Educational Programs

The Pratt Center Educational Programs cover nature, the environment, and history. These programs can be run for any school, library, youth organization, company, assisted living center, or neighborhood association. Our Pratt Center staff works with you to organize the activities and help you maximize the program’s value. For information on education program costs and scheduling details, call 860-355-3137 or email
Whether you join us for a field trip in our educational vegetable garden, on our hiking trail, in the river or pond, or we join you in your classroom or facility – your students, residents, or colleagues will receive a multi-sensory, hands-on experience on the topic of your choice.
Topics have included Colonial Days, Pioneer Day (Oregon Trail), Planting, Soil Science, Force and Motion, The Water Cycle, Habitats, Critter Caravan, Animal Classification, Signs of the Seasons, River Study, The Lorax, The Importance of Buying Local and Natural, Maple Sugar, Erosion, Biodiversity, The Science of Growing, History of Farming in New England, Salsa, Orienteering, Trout Release, Vermi-composting, Food Sovereignty, and so many more. Dates for the coming school year are already being booked. Call/email to inquire about topics, dates, and prices or discuss a tailor-made program for your class or group!
The Pratt Nature Center visits schools and facilities in Litchfield and Fairfield Counties in Connecticut and can travel over the border into New York. We receive visitors from EVERYWHERE!